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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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MFV - Cross-sectional study on Migrations-Family-Ageing in French overseas departments

Head : Claude-Valentin Marie

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2020


MFV - Cross-sectional study on Migrations-Family-Ageing in French overseas departments

Head : Claude-Valentin Marie

Main objective

The MFV survey was carried out in a coordinated way in all the French overseas departments and focuses on the changes in family life, the sources and obstacles of social itineraries, the impact of migration and the evolution of intergenerational solidarity

Inclusion criteria

Three main categories of key player were asked:
* Native people of the department
* Returning migrants: native people of the department who have had an emigration experience of more than six consecutive months and who were resettled there at the time of the survey
* Immigrants: the non-native people of the department who were settled there at the time of the survey, whether French or foreign

- Cross-sectional study of workplace accidents, occupational illnesses and handicaps - 2007

Head : Guggemos Fabien, Employment Division

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


- Cross-sectional study of workplace accidents, occupational illnesses and handicaps - 2007

Head : Guggemos Fabien, Employment Division

Main objective

The first European objective of the survey is to find out the number of workplace accidents and the number of days of work lost due to these workplace accidents. The survey will also allow for the determination of the number of illnesses caused or aggravated by the job, as well as the number of work days lost due to these illnesses.

The second European objective is to analyse the differences in results according to:
- the characteristics of the employer (economic activity, size of the business, etc.)
- the characteristics of the salaried worker's job (professional status, profession, full-time, part-time, duration of career, etc.)
This supplemental set of questions is intended specifically to enable comparisons with the results of the 2002 ad hoc module on the employment of handicapped individuals, in order to be able to evaluate the effects of the "Equal rights, opportunities, participation and citizenship of handicapped individuals act" adopted in 2004. The set of questions is divided into three parts. Part A address health problems within the last twelve months.

Inclusion criteria

Individuals who are at least 15 years of age on 31 December 2007 and who are members or ordinary households.

PREVIPAP - Cross-sectional study of sexually active young French women eligible for HPV vaccination

Head : Mougin Christiane, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, EA 3181, FED4234
Mercier Mariette, EA 3181, FED4234
Baudu Ariane, EA 3181, FED4234

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2020


PREVIPAP - Cross-sectional study of sexually active young French women eligible for HPV vaccination

Head : Mougin Christiane, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, EA 3181, FED4234
Mercier Mariette, EA 3181, FED4234
Baudu Ariane, EA 3181, FED4234

Main objective

The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence and risk factors for HPV infection in a cohort of sexually active young French women eligible for HPV vaccination

Inclusion criteria

Sexually active women aged 15-23 years living in the geographical region of Franche-Comté in France, who attended a consultation in the gynaecology department of the Hôpital Universitaire de Besançon in France, between 1 January 1997 and 31 December 2007

- Cross-sectional study on transitions from active life to retirement - 2006

Head : Guggemos Fabien, Employment Division

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


- Cross-sectional study on transitions from active life to retirement - 2006

Head : Guggemos Fabien, Employment Division

Main objective

The first objective of this module is to compile an overview of the situation of the work-retirement transition. How is this transition made or how is it planned? Will the transition be made or will it be done directly from work to retirement? Have the individuals had or thought they would have a transition period (pre-retirement, transition to part-time)? The second objective pursued is the analysis of factors that may influence or have influenced this transition from work to retirement, as well as the determination of the factors that may postpone or that have postponed leaving the job market. These factors may be of different types: the general working conditions (planning of work schedules, better health conditions); other factors directly related to the job (training and obsolescence of skills); financial factors (financial incentives to stay in their job); personal factors (health, family reasons).

Inclusion criteria

Individuals from 50 to 69 years of age on 31/12/2006 (individuals born between 1937 and 1956) who live in an ordinary household and whose household has been questioned for the 6th and final time by the Employment survey (6th outgoing)

Louis Mourier Cohort - Retrospective Cohort of Newborns from Mothers Using Multiple Drugs

Head : Simmat-Durand Laurence, CERMES 3 – Centre for Research in Medicine, Science, Health, Mental Health and Society

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


Louis Mourier Cohort - Retrospective Cohort of Newborns from Mothers Using Multiple Drugs

Head : Simmat-Durand Laurence, CERMES 3 – Centre for Research in Medicine, Science, Health, Mental Health and Society

Main objective

To analyse neonatal morbidity in terms of maternal psychoactive substance (PAS) use and within a sociodemographic context.

Inclusion criteria

Newborns from mothers who were using at least 2 psychoactive substances at the start of pregnancy.

DEVENIR - Cross-sectionnal study on patients' outcome hospitalized for cardiac insufficiency and monitoring in private cardiology

Head : Cohen-Solal Alain

Version 1


Last update : 08/01/2018


DEVENIR - Cross-sectionnal study on patients' outcome hospitalized for cardiac insufficiency and monitoring in private cardiology

Head : Cohen-Solal Alain

Main objective

Describe modalities for the care of patients followed for cardiac insufficiency in private cardiology.

Inclusion criteria

Men or women aged over 18 years having cardiac insufficiency hospitalized during the 18 months preceding inclusion consultation for cardiac insufficiency monitoring.

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